Love. Regret. Moving On. Angel Beats. [One Last Time]

Angel beats FINAL Review. Click the title for more…

“This anime is about dying with so much regret and sadness that you’d willingly trap yourself in a made-up world, trying so hard to continue living and never giving up- all for the sake of your life and your memories. It tells the story of how these kids finally moved on and accepted their fate…”

Angel Beats! (Again?! Yup. Once is not enough!)

A follow up review on Angel Beats! Click on the title for more! 🙂

“Angel Beats isn’t anything like MHS. Yeah, it’s about a guy who basically lets himself be ordered around by an eccentric girl leader, but it’s not really focused on that. It’s about rebelling and fighting to not disappear because they have a deeper purpose, a lingering regret. The characters are…”

0zero9days: Arakawa Under the Bridge (Anime)

Arakawa Under the Bridge Anime Review! “As for the characters… I love the weird girl. She’s pretty and she’s really weird. Haha. And the guy with all his super exaggerated expressions is really funny…”

Read more? Click the title of the post!

3sixty5days of anime, manga and what? Live actions?!

Haha. I feel like I’m trying to do something that I know, I can’t do. But what the hell, right? Try things. Do stuff. SO anyway, I’ve been trying to do lots of remodeling and redoing my online accounts and I remembered this thing I saw in one other blog with 365 something… then IContinue reading “3sixty5days of anime, manga and what? Live actions?!”

Gray Sanctuary- Meine Liebe in Tumblr

So, I think I already did this once… but I’ll do it again. I have a tumblr for cool anime pics and cheesy-but-still-beautiful quotes that i would like to share. most of the quotes are from manga and anime. And it’s not always cheesy. Anyway, if you want to see it clearly, just click theContinue reading “Gray Sanctuary- Meine Liebe in Tumblr”

Kimi ni Todoke: The Live Action

Rumor has it that Kimi ni Todoke is going to have its own Live Action. According to one forum, it seems like Yamapi or Jun are the actors being considered to play Kazehaya. If it’s true, I don’t mind. Anyway, an article in Anime News Network final confirmed it. Kimi ni Todoke is having aContinue reading “Kimi ni Todoke: The Live Action”